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Let's Talk Hebrew!  (Monday evenings, May  - June 2024) 


Join us for Hebrew Conversation, and improve your speaking skills.  

  • Alef (Beginners), Bet (Advanced Beginners), and Gimmel (Intermediate) combined class. Practicing conversational Hebrew.

    May 20; June 3, 10, 17
  • Click here to register.

    For more information regarding which level is right for you, contact Toby Liebowitz at tobyaane@gmail.com.
Event Dates
Monday from Monday, June 3, 2024 through Monday, June 17, 2024
Event time
6:00 PM
Cost / donation
$100 per person (scholarship available)
Toby Liebowitz at
Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island  |  401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence RI 02906  |  401.421.4111
Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island welcomes all ages, faiths, and backgrounds.
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